Texas Auto Insurance Q: 2 accidents, 1 household = decline for coverage?


New member
I was talking to an insurance agent and he mentioned something like if I have two accidents caused by me within a timeframe of 3 years, I may be declined for auto insurance coverage. Does this sound like a company-specific policy or is it a Texas-specific law?

The agent wasn't sure if it was a department of insurance or company rule... Google search has not been fruitful.

Thanks in advance.
@youniquestar This Is the texas bill of rights for auto insurance. Point 17 is what they are referring to. Your insurance policy can't simply cancel your policy or non-renew your policy if you are paying your premium and keep a good license.

Basically, in TX, an insurance carrier can only cancel your policy

- in the first 60 days for pretty much any reason with notice

- after the frist 60 days if you do something illegal (suspended license, frudlant claim, etc)

- after the fist 60 days if you don't pay your premium

If you don't lose your license and pay your premium you have insurance and you won't lose coverage.

Now when it comes to renewal, if you have at fault accidents, they can choose to non renew your policy with notice. However, they CANNOT non-renew your policy based on

- Weather related damage (no limit on number of claims)

- animal strikes (no limit on number of claims)

- gravel claims (if you had 3 in a 3 year period they raise your deductible at renewal)

- Towing/roadside assistance (if you have 4 in a 3 year period they can eliminate this coverage at renewal)

- Accidents you are not at fault for

HOWEVER, if you have 2 or more not at fault accidents on your policy in a single year, they CAN non-renew. This is per policy, not per person. That is what the agent was referring to.
@youniquestar If you get in to many accidents in a short time frame your insurance company can choose to non-renew you. It will depend on state law/insurance company policy. They will not deny coverage for an accident because you got in to many accidents, but they will stop insuring you come renewal time.

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