TESLA to be included in the S&P 500 index: The biggest addition in history

@kade Not really! As you evolve your margins for gain reduces. It's not like other manfacturers when they reach Tesla level, that Tesla would be create a new level.

Secondly, i am related to someone who works in R&D of a Big German conglomerate. And they reliablely tells me that in a few years Germans would be at the level of Tesla.
And lastly don't be so sure about batteries being the future. Electric cars might be but current lithium ion batteries cannot replace fuel because lithium itself is in rarity. Either batteries have to move to a new tech meaning cancelling out all the advantage Tesla has or the world would move to other sources.
As you evolve your margins for gain reduces.

Sir not understanding this, can u please explain.

Yes, the Germans will eventually catch up but the next 7-8 years belong to Tesla.

Maybe hydrogen cars? Samsung made that batteries in the form of a ssd. IIRC they were shifting from lithium ion to some other material.
It means today, Tesla may have a big advantage in their Battery tech. But it's not going to last forever. They have the early mover advantage for now.

But as Porsche has shown with Taycan that ze Germans are also developing battery tech at vast rate. And Tesla now has relatively smaller margin to evolve the tech compared to others.
@kade This. They're a single player in the market, the brand they've built is alone something like the Apple of cars. Regardless of who comes into the market, Tesla's brand alone will drive its growth.

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