Tesla Faces U.S. Criminal Probe Over Self-Driving Claims


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Tesla Inc (TSLA.O) is under criminal investigation in the United States over claims that the company's electric vehicles can drive themselves, three people familiar with the matter said.

The U.S. Department of Justice launched the previously undisclosed probe last year following more than a dozen crashes, some of them fatal, involving Tesla’s driver assistance system Autopilot, which was activated during the accidents, the people said.

@zacopenshaw It’s not an EV site or tabloid, it’s Reuters. This isn’t something you cite your sources for. This is the source. A journalist saying he discovered a criminal probe.

The next step would be DOJ denying the probe or not commenting which likely means there is an open investigation.
@hercules29 This is literally the only new information provided in the article. No further elaboration..no idea who the people are. Probably worth taking vague info with a grain of salt rather than believing everything that is written. Otherwise, it's clickbait...guess what. They're paid based on your clicks!

Oct 25 - Tesla Inc (TSLA.O) is under criminal investigation in the United States over claims that the company's electric vehicles can drive themselves, three people familiar with the matter said.
@zacopenshaw they are also mixing full self driving and autopilot together. Essentially the same yet also different. Autopilot is definitely an assist, whereas full self driving is "full self driving."
@uksimon IIRC Elon has stated that Tesla will not use LiDAR because they can accomplish their goals just with cameras, but if my understanding is correct LiDAR is a good technology to detect and avoid stationary objects…like emergency vehicles and pedestrians that are stopped in a crosswalk.

Statements like that worry me, and no pun intended, but they seem shortsighted.

He keeps making promises and not following through, and you can fine print it all day but you can only play this game so long before the people that paid $8k…$10k…$12k…start to get pissed off.
@mr2coop Dan O'Dowd makes potentially competing / tangential software. He's started Dawn Project. I'm not sure he's publicly short. I'm on mobile but the 30s video should be easy to find. His 60s video attacking Tesla's FSD / Autopilot is here. Videos posted by enthusiasts of the latest versions ( & will confirm it has plenty of problems. Like hitting kid-like objects which is confirmed by other FSD beta users.

edit: no longer mobile. added in some links.
@mr2coop Dan O'Dowd's company makes competing software and is a supplier for the 2022 BMW iX. This alone is not proof of anything except that he has incentive to go after Tesla. Also, in "The Dawn Project" videos, it's not clear FSD was ever enabled and there are warnings that can be seen on the screen, but are too blurry to make out. Many speculate that FSD was not actually active, but there's no way to be sure and Dan hasn't released any additional video footage to help clear things up. It's also worth noting that Tesla sent a C&D to Dan and while it temporarily resulted in some interesting antics on Twitter, Dan seems to have backed off a bit since. Again none of this is incriminating in it's own right, but it does raise eyebrows.