Tesla earnings growth justifies its valuation, here’s the data

@kerrym1971 P/E only works for companies with similar growth rates

PEG adjusts for the growth rate and allows you to compare. All it says is basically a company growing earnings with 50% earnings growth that trades at 50 P/E is as fairly valued as a company with 10% earnings growth rate and 10 P/E. PEG just illustrates that higher growth rates justify higher P/E multiples and that if you have a high P/E multiple on a stock, you also need to have a high growth rate. The whole point of the ratio is to allow for different growth rates in the comparison
@lyn244 Yet Ford has a PEG of 1,9x while Tesla is at 6,74

Remember its calcualted annually not for 1 quarter…

Not saying Ford is a good investment, but Tesla is definitely overvalued…
@lyn244 Regardless of what Tesla's current financial numbers are, I remain invested in it simply because I don't think there's any other company out there quite like it in terms of just how far they push the limits of applied technology.
@phlorence I consider the five TSLA shares I have to be a speculative holding, though unlike my other speculative holdings this one has actually done quite well.

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