Tesla earnings growth justifies its valuation, here’s the data

@blondgrrl For the life of me I do not understand how this prick commenting can't see the difference.

I've been following SpaceX since its founding. Saw Musk speak while at the International Space Development Conference in LA in 2006.

I was there for Burt Rutan...

Man was that an eye opening experience looking back on. It's more mind boggling than thinking Boeing could beat SpaceX to the ISS!
@bren0628 People like that ignoramus above that get triggered by others beliefs live in glass houses and are probably filled with anger. If we can rationally conclude that his companies are a net positive to the world then why waste time with personal feelings? Worse yet, to let that cloud one's judgement is honestly sad.

As for me, I happily give my money to the guy with Asperger's who's innately driven to the point of pure exhaustion and gives every ounce of his time towards his obsession mission which we all benefit from. People will only realize how stupid it was to not have exposure to Tesla in hindsight.
@blondgrrl I’ll be laughing in my Tesla smart home that I bought with Tesla gains dw

Although your comment added nothing, I respect you for being one of the 22 that actually said something after downvoting
@blondgrrl By delivering? The same could be said about your own take. How do you get so mad about an asperges guy who acts irrationally, yes, but also delivers on unbelievably difficult engineering problems he puts his mind to? Yeah, yeah, I'm another Elon nut hugger to you, who cares, my investment thesis is driven by proveable results.

The speculative stuff aside, Tesla's ability to scale is unmatched, EV demand is sky rocketing, their FSD program is better than all but "on-rails" attempts and their AI-as-a-service hasn't even begun. The bot is an interest of mine right now, but not priced in to be successful in my projections nor the market.

FWIW think a future where any one company run too much is dystopian. I get mad as fuck when Elon crashes cryp to, says careless things on earnings calls. I'm critical of Elon, but I'll invest in his ventures because the guy delivers. Please could you elaborate on your problem with him? Or is it visceral?
@kgray Well said. Long time Tesla investor here. I don't agree with some things Elon says or tweets but that doesn't matter when he has a proven track record (for the reasons you stated) AND the products he's creating help society.

It's sad how easily people want to jump from one extreme to the other and refuse to operate somewhere in the middle. In this case I can 100% respect his work ethic, intelligence and vision while still uttering to myself sometimes "Elon c'mon dude just get off Twitter and go to bed."
@joyjoy1001 I don't disagree. I think Tesla will achieve amazing things, and Elon is part of that, but most of the credit should be given to their engineers who go underappreciated as always.
@blondgrrl Likewise I don't understand why people allow emotions to cloud their investing thesis. Why does your feelings of Elons personal opinions matter to you when he's proven he can grow businesses (PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX, neuralink, boring co). If he can grow my capital while making a net positive impact in the world (this is fact) then who cares what he tweets on his toilet.
@kerrym1971 Calling Tesla in 'infancy stages' 12 years after IPO and 19 years into its existence is a bit of a stretch, don't you think?

They sold something like 2.5% of the new cars in the US in 2021. Similar in share of the total to Volkswagen, Lexus, Mercedes, and only a little behind BMW.

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