Term life how to structure, ladder or not?

@bmillerware Cost-Effective: A joint life policy rider is typically more cost-effective than purchasing separate life insurance for two people. It allows the policyholder to extend coverage to another individual, usually at a cost less than buying two separate polici
@bmillerware You are right and wrong at the same time. I think you need a agent to reevaluate that what you need. Let them do need approached and human life approach and see what you need really instead of estatmate number
@bmillerware I mean the 10x is a normal, easy way to calculate the insurance you should have, but it doesn't mean fit what you should have. It doesn't calculate your expense, your goal, and your kid tuitions, your mortgage. You can look up human life approach and need approach. A good agent should do that for you no problem
@bmillerware From what I've been told, it's slightly cheaper to ladder with multiple terms such as
10 yr 1 mill
20 yr 1 mil
30 yr 1 mil
Versus just a 30 yr, 3 mil. You'll get enough coverage for when your family will need it at less premium but less value if you die towards the end.

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