Term life eDelivery signing while outside USA


New member
I had applied for Life insurance, it has been approved and have a eDelivery to be be signed.

I completed the application and medical exams while I was in USA, it took them a while to approve and send the docs. Now I am traveling in a different country and I am, staying here for total 32 days. Can i sign the eDelivery while outside USA or do i need to be in USA to sign the eDelivery docs?
@bmillerware If you are using DocuSign you are supposed to be in the U.S. to sign however the consequence of not being is essentially nothing. DocuSign locations are really never audited by insurers and signing abroad wouldn’t invalidate the contract.
@bmillerware If you disclosed the trip, then you can go ahead and sign. Typically though the complete application process has to be completed while in the US. Double check with the carrier because you want to make sure they will honor the coverage if god forbid something happens to you while you are away.

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