Term Insurance in Texas


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So I’m an occasional Xanax and marijuana edibles user. I only do edibles a few times a year(max 4-5 times) and I’m always on vacation in states where recreational use is legal. I haven’t smoked in close to 18 months and even then, it’s probably been 15 times in my life max where marijuana was consumed from smoking. I’ve been an edibles person for my recreational use predominantly. When they do the underwriting, are they going to put me in the “smokers” category just for a few times over my life consuming that way?

Next question. I use Xanax(Alprazolam) even more rarely than edibles. It’s not prescribed, I’ve been able to have it purchased over the counter in other countries and bring it over. I take them max 10 times a year, this year it’s probably been about 4-5 times so far and it’s only 1/4 a bar when I take them. Last time I took one was 4 days ago.

I’m curious what will show in the blood/urine test? Do I need to wait? Do I be upfront about it and the exact amounts? Do I mention it at all?

I will probably need to mention the light edibles use because my OBGYN is aware of it since I disclosed it being a light use on vacation to them years ago.
@brinehawk 1) yes
2) yes
3) yes
4) you should not intentionally provide false answers on an insurance application.
5) if you apply you should disclose, because if it’s in your medical record already the ins co will find it.
@brinehawk You’re going to need to disclose it all and be honest. That being said, it is possible they won’t need an exam depending upon all answers to an online health questionnaire. Depends on carrier.
@brinehawk Cannabis will show in your urine. Your Xanax will show when they request for your doctors medical records. They pull medications and medical history.

If you intentionally hide this information, you will be declined and probably be unable to obtain insurance in the future (from my understanding).

Be honest and accept you’ll pay a higher premium because of your cannabis use. It’s a choice to use cannabis, there are consequences to that choice (being more expensive to obtain life insurance).
@scenematt I haven’t used cannabis in months. Probably 3-4. They are are going to charge me a higher premium for something I do on vacation a few times a year?

I don’t have prescription Xanax. It’s nothing on my medical records. I’ve obtained it from another country without a doctor. So I still need to disclose this?
@scenematt Correct. Haven’t had them at all in 4-5 months. I’m a light user of them. My OBGYN has in their medical records light use on vacations and I planned to do disclosure that.

Xanax I had 4 days ago. It was 1/4 a bar and before that I had not had it since end of May.
@brinehawk Well I’d wanna know why you’re leaving the country for Xanax, why you’re using Xanax, and the combination of MJ and Xanax use without a prescription is a pretty big red flag.
@frenchyriff Xanax is for the few times a year for when my job gets to me(less than 10 annually). I do not mix edibles(MJ) and Xanax ever. Edibles only happen on vacation to visit friends. Both of these things get very light use throughout the year, but after this probably won’t be happening anymore. This has worried me more than they are worth.
@brinehawk The Xanax use isn’t a huge deal it’s more of how you’re obtaining it. What’s stopping you from asking your doctor for a prescription instead of obtaining it outside the country? Those are the bits of info I’m interested in as an underwriter
@frenchyriff Honestly, I was able to get it that way easier. Walk into the pharmacy, boom, done. It was also cheaper. I have thought about going to a doctor to just get it prescribed, but haven’t felt like I use it enough to really warrant going through that process. A few hundreds of dollars for the appointments and then the medication. This was just an easier convenience to get it at a pharmacy abroad.

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