Tempting RTB30 but I’m hesitant

@jerry95 Sovereign bonds are backed by a country's TAXING POWER

These are usually the safest (yet lowest paying) of the "sure bet" investments available.

Typically, people CLOSE TO RETIREMENT invest in govt bonds since they are the 'safest'

For younger people or people looking to GROW THEIR MONEY FASTER, they invest in STOCKS or faster moving REAL ESTATE
@jerry95 hello OP, are you planning to buy the RTB30 via the bonds ph app?

would like to know if anyone has used the app and what's the experience

thank you
@byates Hello. I’m scheduled to visit the bank this week. Will do over-the -counter transaction. Feels old in using the app. Not confident either.
@jerry95 I see, based on the app the bond is only available until Feb23.

I have used the app before but only for a very small amount (way back in 2021).

But I haven't used it since.

here is the app by the way:

@jerry95 Any bad things that might happen in our country then all things become equal ie digi banks with high interest rates rtb stocks even safety deposit boxes or money in your pocket. Heck might as well watch out for your own safety let alone material possessions. I also considered rtb30 if not for the lock in period of 5 years. At least with td you get to preterminate albeit at a loss
@jerry95 I just bought RTB30. It's an investment that you just forget and will give you quarterly payments for the next 5 years.

If you're worried the PH government won't be able to pay you back, then don't invest. 🙂
@jerry95 If war comes to fruition, then kahit ano pang asset mo will surely go down

The 6ish of RTB is indifferent to me
I can get a time depo at that rate and is easier to liquidate
@jerry95 Its another basket, yeah the returns might not be as good as others, but its another form of investment.

Remember to diversify. Dont put all eggs in 1 basket.

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