Tell us about what you prefer in your credit card


New member
Hi PersonalFinanceIndia readers,

Am looking for help for my research on credit cards.

In return, I promise to respond any query that you have on credit cards in India. - You can tag/ DM me for these, or ask to answer.

Credentials - You can gauge based on advice, would just say that I create financial products as a job since over half a decade. Looking to know more about credit card preferences of us indians.
@bababooey89 Decent form but the bank with 2% and 4% interest is non realistic scenario. Are you trying to gause risk appetite of the customer via this? Also the choice of cards could have been improved
@dariusstyl It is actually. Industry average is 42% p.a. just that since people pay it every month they don't realise it much.
But yes, the idea is to see what people choose to trade off.
Will DM you to check on the choice of cards.

Thanks for the feedback.
@bababooey89 Feel free to reach out mate. The interest rate was used along with average monthly balance...confused it with the interest rate provided by the bank instead of the late fee interest rate. It's a reasonable assumption.

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