Tech Heavy Sharia Stocks - Some Reassurance insha'Allah


New member

A video released yesterday by Damian Talks Money.

We all know Sharia compliant funds and ETFs are tech heavy, and many of us are worried due to diversification.

This video covers that most index funds/ETFs are now tech heavy, and this shouldn't be too worrisome. As in the past most index's were heavy on industries that were prominent at that time such as real estate, finance, transport, etc

Also mentions that tech will only ever get stronger, as tech is everywhere. At the moment, tech is focused on AI, but tech will move onto something else (e.g tech in the past was focused on software, hardware etc etc).

insha'Allah this should bring some reassurance.
@coelohim This is not sitting right.
Again, the problem for Sharia etfs isn't that all the etfs are tech heavy. That's a concentration problem that if tech crashed soon, it would crash the whole market. The problem with shariah etfs is that it's not equally weighted on all sectors like VOO or SPY. Take, for example HLAL it has 14% in apple and 13% or something in Microsoft, but SPY doesn't have that much in apple or Microsoft.

So HLAL would over perform as long as tech and specifically apple and microsoft are over performing. But once these companies fuck up and eventually everything will fuck up you're gonna lose much much more than other market etfs that doesn't have that much in 2 companies. And right now, HLAL is underperforming due to Apple problems..

And there is nothing called "get assured tech is the future." This is bull shit. We've seen tech bubbles and dot com busts while tech was the future before.

That made QQQ etf lose a lot of money that you needed literally 11 years to just break even. You have to be responsible with your money, dude.

If you're gonna invest with a mentality of going to a local sheikh to assure you that your salah was valid because you forgot to do some prayer in it or do full tashahud and feel good and "assured" then investing isn't for you.

As shariah compliant muslim, you don't have the benefits of obtaining the market etf and chill, you at some point will have to meddle in there and manually allocate your resources. Because neither HLAL nor SPUS are tracks of the market. And if tech stocks are overvalued, now you better just find other investment outlets other than stocks for a while. Because if the opinion that all PEs are overvalued now is correct and there will be a tech burst soon, you will lose a lot.
@coelohim what? Reassurance of what?

All ETF have advisors who perform market analysis and research, they do not randomly pick stocks. Their evaluation is based on fundamental analysis and market trends not media hype.

If you do not trust nor understand any ETF screening methods you shouldn't be investing.

I do not know nor care who this Damien is nor should you.

This post seems like nothing more than spam. The fact you posted on 2 subs makes wonder are a paid do so.
@princesst1 Brother, I've seen a number of posts where some are wary or ask if the Sharia compliant funds are a safe investment, with many citing the heavy tech % quite worrying, and would like better diversity of stocks. I am happy to show you examples if you wish.

When did I say I did not understand ETF screening? And how did you gather that from my post?

You don't know him? So what lol what does that have to do with anything, you can't see his opinion if you don't know him? What a bizarre thing to say. You don't know many people on Reddit either, but here you are on Reddit where people give opinions.

Your last statement is ridiculous. I posted on the two Muslim investing subreddits I know, there's no spam involved, nor was I paid lol.

My intention was simple to share something I found to be quite informative, and thought I'd pass the knowledge on to others to benefit.
Brother, I've seen a number of posts where some are wary or ask if the Sharia compliant funds are a safe investment, with many citing the heavy tech % quite worrying, and would like better diversity of stocks. I am happy to show you examples if you wish.

Again as my comment stated:

All ETF have advisors who perform market analysis and research, they do not randomly pick stocks. Their evaluation is based on fundamental analysis and market trends not media hype.

If you do not trust nor understand any ETF screening methods you shouldn't be investing.

If someone needs some random person who has no expertise nor background in finances to reassure them they shouldn't be investing.

Just because someone has a youtube channel does not confer expertise on that person. Anyone can have a youtube channel. Do not confuse celebrity with qualification.

He even refers to himself as a "content creator". He makes his money by convincing people he knows what he is speaking about. Which is easy.

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