Tax W2-Corrections Question


New member
I'm stationed overseas and my wife and I filled our taxes late Feb. A few weeks ago I got a W2-C where my annual pay went down and my Q Code went up. Check my March 2017 LES and it show's I received combat pay for Nov/Dec 2016. Go to finance and it all checks out which explains why I received a W2-C #1. Well last week I received another W2-C #2 where my annual pay went up and Q Code went down. Go to finance give them the story and they can't give me an answer why I got W2-C #2. Finance tells me they can't see anything in my records. They referred me to a tax advisor which I fired back with that you guys (finance) should be able to tell me more about my pay than the tax advisor. Again, they were no help. Who can I talk too about this? Do I need to get on the phone with DFAS in the states?
@cindi4work The Q is for combat pay, correct? Have there been any adjustments to your pay on your LES lately? When did you return from the combat zone? Have you used any of your combat leave days since you got back?

If you used combat leave in December, it's fairly common that the adjustment wouldn't be run before your W-2 was issued and then you end up with a correction.

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