Tax Residencies: Lowest Cap Gains Tax for 100% ETF (VTI)?


New member

Given my specific financial details (below), which countries (within Europe, Asia, and Latin America) offer the most favorable tax laws? Please ignore all other factors (i.e. cost of living, climate), as that needlessly complicates the question.

My Financial Specifics:
  • Basic Details: Male, 35 years olds, citizen of USA
  • Net worth: $1.5M (€1.255M).
    • Tax Advantaged (traditional/roth 401k/IRA): 20%
    • After-Tax: 80%
      • Cost Basis: 75%
    • Asset Allocation: 100% equity ETFs (VTI and S&P500 ETFS [i.e. SPY])
      • Dividend Yield (annually): ~2%
      • Note: I have NO intention of changing my asset allocation anytime soon
  • Withdrawal Rate: 3.25% (approximately $49k/yr or €41k/yr)
  • Additional Details: For those wondering, yes, this is pretty aggressive (and high volatility). Technically, I wouldn't be using an annualized 3.25% WR, but rather a market valuation based withdrawal rate (i.e. I'll be tracking P/E 10 and other metrics), thus there will be years where I might spend a lot more (or a lot less) than 3.25%.

I've nomadic-ally traveled much of Europe/Asia for work over the past decade-ish. I plan to pull the FIRE chute chord and stop working entirely in a year. I'm interested in retaining my US citizenship and pursuing long-term tax residency in Europe, Asia, or Latin America. In the past, my work has handled the tax complexities of income abroad. However, I won't be receiving assistance in calculating non-income capital gains based after-tax spending. I still love travel/adventure, but would like to root myself in another continent (might change it up every few years), so am weighing the pros/cons of many places. It would help immensely to know which countries allow me to retain the most after-tax (which if they're in-line with my interests, I'd then confirm with an accountant abroad).

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