Tax reporting of a new Fixed term deposit / Festgeldanlage, ZH Tax


New member
Hi everyone, and thanks for the amazing info that you all share here.

I opened a 3-months fixed term deposit in December 2023 and I want to ensure that I report it correctly to the tax authorities. My actual questions are:
  • Should Steuerwert (Tax Value) and Nennwert (nominal value) be the same?
  • Should the Opening Balance (Anfangsbestand Steuerjahr) be the same amount? Or should this be 0, considering I only opened the fixed-term deposit in December?
  • Should I report some already generated interest now, or wait and report it next year, after the fixed-term deposit is finished?
Thank you in advance for any info!
@nebulamoon I'm in a simliar situation and I'm not even sure if the time deposit has to be specified or just the witholding tax; the tax form I got via app just lists the witholding tax but not the tax value per Dec 31st.

How did you solve that?

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