Tax refund automatically sent to Ontario debt despite being in the process of rehabilitation


New member
I don’t know what to do here. I set up my rehabilitation and I filled my taxes too soon I guess. Now my entire refund has gone to my Ontario student loan. Is there anyway to get that back?ni filed Friday and it said the return won’t happen until the 11th. I’ve called the company it’s supposed to go to and they said that can’t do anything and that I’m still in dept so I’ll either have to pay it off at full or re apply for rehabilitation, but since I’ve applied once it may not be approved.
I called the CRA phone number that said if you are going through finicoal hardship due to debt recovery efforts. But they said they didnt even know student loans were something the CRA deals with.
I’m just so confused because I can’t even afford to make my payments and I was hoping that this money would help. But now they are taking this money and I still have to make my payments.
I’m living off of payday loans because I cannot afford not to due to less hours at work.
I’m lost and have no idea what to do. Every one I call says to call someone else or wait it out.
@blessedj316 Many people on disability don’t end up getting tax refunds because all the disability and welfare is taxable. Usually they break even if they do an audit.

Are you in repayment assistance for your student loan? It’s called rap here in this province. I’ve been on it for like 56 years. Do you have to reapply every year and get approval back just gonna provide some medical proof usually they’ll just take over the payments themselves and next year they reassess you like if you made money here , but once you’re in that system is pretty easy it is login and see your loan and your numbers

Like I guarantee you, your government has some kind of a program for repayment assistance for student loans unless you don’t qualify for them because you don’t have the disability requirements or you’re not sick enough I am it’s basically just the equivalent of a government helping you out until you can help yourself But in this province it’s called repayment assistance program and most people were excepted to do that and then there’s a Disabilty one I think of the same but yeah definitely look up covert website Ontario must have assistance program and you know if you haven’t applied for it, and you’ve been in debt with your loans for quite some time with no attempts to contact The government or pay it or that may be an issue but you just have to get a doctor to sign some paperwork. Just yeah usually and then you can even attach receipts drug payments. Anything related to your disability that will help you out but yeah it’s tough but you have to sign up for an account with the Student Loan office You know it’s the government. Sometimes you can get a bit frustrating but their pretty good to deal with my problems just calling you don’t have to wait. We’ll see more than five minutes but.

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