
New member
Hi there!

I moved to Switzerland 1,5 years ago and last year my company paid a tax consultant for me. This was only for the first year, so I tried doing it this year by myself.
I live in Schwyz and use the eTax. I found it quite complicated at times, but got good support via email from the official tax office.
The only thing I think is really strange is about the Quellensteuer. I paid quite a lot already and wanted to mention that in the declaration. I couldn’t find any form or field where I could put it. I asked via email and they said it will automatically be calculated. I’m not sure if I understood it correctly, is that true? For now it shows me, that I have to pay ~6.000 CHF in tax, but I already paid more Quellensteuer. Can I just send it and it will be fine? I don’t want to end up paying the 6.000 CHF additionally.

Thanks a lot for your help.

@outpouring Let's assume you paid 7000 CHF in Quellensteuer by being taxed at source and that your actual taxes were calculated to be 6000 CHF.
  • you don't put Quellensteuer anywhere in tax return form, you submit the form and it will get processed
  • you will probably receive Provisorische Steuerrechnung for that 6000 CHF in few weeks but since you know you already paid 7000 CHF you can completely ignore it
  • after some time (in ZH it takes 2 years for mine) you will get tax assessment confirming (or correcting) your tax return for that year, it will list 6000 CHF as taxes, still no mention of Quellensteuer
  • few weeks later you will receive final tax invoice and here Quellensteuer will finally be visible and you'll get 1000 CHF back
Based on my 6 years of being taxed at source in Kanton Zürich and filing my tax return forms.

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