Tata Chemicals Q4 and FY24 results upcoming. How do you expect the market to respond to negative/okay-ish results with already "Undervalued" stock?

What do you people think about Tata Chemicals? The company has had good sales growth in last 2 FYs although last 2 quarters had negative growth + slight reduction in operating margins due to reduced demand of soda ash.

Interesting part is that TCL holds 2.53% stake in Tata sons (which during recent IPO news was rumored to be valued at $100 billion) which if taken at market value would significantly raise the book value of TCL.

The P/B ratio is currently 1.3 but if Tata Sons stake is considered then it would be
@truthseekerisabeau Its undervalued for a reason. Soda ash is a commodity with huge fluctuations in margins. Unlike a lot of other chemical companies where companies have some pricing power.

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