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Why are there so many tall poppies here when it comes to Aussie gas?

Woodside's gross margin is 75%. Its net margin is at a shockingly beautiful 45%. 15% ROA, 26% ROE and 21% ROIC? I'm hard just thinking about it. And all this while it trades at 5x earnings and little over book? Oh lord, oh god, oh sweet jesus.

But every time I say something positive about gas on this sub, I get furiously mocked and some low-life undiversified propadee investor sitting on 3% ROA or a screeching tech bro whose portfolio consists of companies with no moat, producing an utterly useless product/service and generating no profits.

The tall poppies that inhabit this sub, and this country need to get over themselves. Taxing gas at 60%? Are you crazy?

It's time we understand that cutting down the man that's doing well won't make your life any better folks.
@jjddww I gave up on savings for a property because the amount I could progressively save couldn’t keep up with property price appreciation. So I gave up and threw it all in equities and I couldn’t be happier. It’s also very liquid which feels safer than having all your wealth tied in what is an illiquid asset.
@homeowner You could pay for NDIS 2x over just by getting rid of negative gearing. You don't even have to resort to taxing them at 60%, like you want to with O&G.

But property investors keep getting uplifted whilst the successful O&G investors get treated like dirt.

Why do O&G investors have to be brought down just so we can keep uplifting the less successful investors in our community?
@jjddww It's funny, I feel the same when a renter tries to tell me I only make 3% pa from my properties.

And they call me a low life. In the balls mate, right in the balls.

And the tech bro part. Goddamit
@homeowner Oh, so you're the taller poppy? Is that what you want?

Why don't we just tax you then? Ya know, if we taxed you we could pay for the NDIS quite easily.

While we're at it, you should give me subsidies. Because I'm the lower poppy and I'm hugely jealous of your success. I'm so jealous I want to cut you down. Yes, you specifically.

I think you should go ahead and post about your feelings on AusFinance. Talk about how much this sub hates tall poppies and the vicious jealousy that is continously directed specifically to you that pervades the discourse here.
@jjddww I'm not fussed about those that are jealous mate, maybe you should try adopting a similar attitude.

I'm not sure at this point if you're trying to be satirical or are actually pissy that I think we should tax them at a similar rate to other countries

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