Taking the P&C and L&H licensing tests this week, any advice?


New member
As the title says I’m about to take licensing tests later this week, I’ve wrapped up my courses and feel mostly confident, but I was wondering if current professionals had any advice on last minute things to focus on for the tests!
@hbyeager What state?

I have P&C licenses and had to take a home state plus New York plus California. California was the worst . It's was not hard per se, but it was poorly written. (I passed all 3 on the first try; not everyone in my shop was able to do that, but I have had a knack for standardized tests since kindergarten)

I found that reading the questions out loud to myself made it easier to figure out what they were asking.

Practice tests.

Memorize the stuff with specific numbers or equations, like number of days to do something or how to calculate property loss stuff.

Keep in mind that the ONLY requirement to get the licenses is to be 18 and have no felonies.... and pass the test.
@hbyeager Practice tests, for sure. The ones I have taken all were very, very, very similar to the practice tests.

It makes sense. How many ways can you ask "what is Coverage A" etc.

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