T bills at Vanguard: I purchased $5k and after 7 months got $5k back

Can someone explain why this happened? The guy at Vanguard explained to me that the way zero coupon bonds works is that my $5000 only purchased $4,886 and that my interest of $114 would be what I earn but at the end of the term, I got exactly $5,000 back.

So I didn’t earn any interest on my principal. He made it sound like I did.

I though I understood how these things worked but apparently not. What is the trick to earning $ on T-bills?
@aloverofrigtheousness You paid $4,886 and got paid back $5,000.

$114 is the amount of interest earned.

114/4,886=2.33% is what you earned during the period.

2.33%/length of Tbill in weeks * 52 = annual yield.

T bills are zero coupon but you did earn an interest because you bought the bill at a discount of $4,886 vs $5,000 face value. So you made $114 in interest, which is taxable.
@parkersburg614 It's much easier to understand than confusing them even more by saying:

T Bills are sold at a discount or at par (face value). When the bill matures, you are paid its face value.

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