Swisscaution or traditional deposit?


New member
I’m currently evaluating whether to stick with a traditional rental deposit at Lienhardt und Partner or switch to Swisscaution, and I could use your collective wisdom.

Based on my calculations, opting for Swisscaution seems justifiable only if I can achieve an investment return of over 5%. Given that I’m not a trader and can’t guarantee such returns, I’m in a bit of a dilemma. While the traditional deposit at Lienhardt und Partner hasn’t been lucrative (the return is so low that I jokingly say I can’t even buy the cheapest croissant from coop with the profit), I’m unsure if switching to Swisscaution is the smarter financial move.

I’m curious to hear from anyone who has navigated this decision. How did you assess the potential returns from your investments against the costs and benefits of Swisscaution?

Thanks for all the answers. Traditional deposit it is.

I knew Swisscaution and alternatives didn’t make sense, but I wanted to hear some other perspectives.
@briantheophilus Swisscaution usually costs 6%.

A traditional bank account yields 1% or 1.25% nowadays.

Therefore, you would need a guaranteed 7% yield with your investment to break even. In CHF, that’s kinda difficult to achieve.

Also, you can see swisscaution as a loan. I don’t take 6% loans ever. Neither should you.
@ashrei19 I signed up for gokaution when i came to CH as the company recommended it instead of the normal deposit. But they made it seem like this insurance pays the damage claims as well for the money. I trused them and said ok, and only later realised it’s practically only a credit solution…
@ashrei19 Scam is not the correct word at all. They offer exactly the service they offer and not more. What about it, should be a scam?

I mean sure, it's not financially wise to do that but that doesn't make it a scam.
@ashrei19 Or they simply want to use the money instead of letting it rot in an account? I thought about doing it despite knowing very well that I could also transfer the money.

And everyone needs to read what they sign and the contract will list the option to transfer it instead.
@ashrei19 It can actually be a very useful service when you can't afford to put aside 3 months rent. You can get swisscaution until you saved up the 3 months rent and then replace it with a deposit.

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