surveying millennials (or anyone) - reasons why would you not want to invest in a property

@izakmiles Properties needs a lot of capital. For millennials or gen z folks already in the workforce, only a few can produce the 20% down upfront or the monthly payment for the DP for pre-selling props + the commitment and capability to get bank loans.

Net, it's really the upfront capital that hinders this generation from buying properties. Better to get REITs instead for liquidity, similar yield you can get from renting out a condo, and less headache on management and other fees involved owning a property.
  • Not easy to dispose
  • Needs maintenance and money for taxes
  • Not all appreciate greatly over time (like sa family house namin 2.5M H&L, nagparenovate twice siguro mga 5M nagastos, but currently selling price in the area is 5-6M after 25yrs)
  • I feel like most real estate in Mega Manila is overpriced. In the provinces, I don't think there is much certainty of enough appreciation.
  • Fertility rate was below replacement level in 2022. If the trend continues, real estate demand will be affected just when RE investments now should be ripe.
  • Plenty of costs involved. And also the outright purchasing cost is of course high (and as mentioned above, I feel it's inflated especially if you're buying direct.)
  • I inherited a house and land. So I don't need to buy a place to live. My investments are mostly in index funds/stocks.
  • I also hate the design/planning of cities in PH. Extremely car-centric.
  • I'm afraid our economy may tank in the near future because of how the education system is here. So if I get a good opportunity abroad, I will take it.
Only reason I would want to invest in a property is if I think I am getting an extremely good deal in an area where demand will likely remain high even if the population decreases significantly, i.e. near prominent universities, existing CBDs, transport terminals, etc.
@izakmiles Maintenance and accessibility.
Most real estate properties are hard to maintain due to time constraints or monetary reasons.
For the accessibility part, it's just my personal preference where I can easily go and check on it from time to time. One of my relatives had a case where they bought a plot somewhere very rural, and when we had the chance to visit, voilà! someone's been illegally residing within it. They had a hard time disputing with the occupants on this one.
@izakmiles Overpriced. Parang mas important other necessities and investments for me right now. Also since I can't really afford it, I always think na baka I won't be able to pay it off before I die/or baka sobrang tanda ko na. I'm not interested in having a family either so medyo pointless sa case ko.
@izakmiles 9/10 its because no one has that much capital lying around to invest in real estate.

the other 1/10 is because they already probably have real estate they stand to inherit.

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