surveying millennials (or anyone) - reasons why would you not want to invest in a property

@izakmiles real estate is NOT liquid. you see properties everywhere na umaabot ng years bago maibenta or mapa rent. considering the current state of the economy, we cannot afford investments that will tie up your money that long na di mo magagalaw. equities are more liquid. in cases of emergencies, madali lang ibenta or i withdraw. properties, no.
@izakmiles I invested in one house for now because that's all I can pay for.

A lot of people bought multiple homes during the time that airbnb was making money solely for the purpose of short term rental. Now, the company's not making them any money and so they are having to either get more loans or forfeit on their existing loans because they can no longer afford it.

If you can't afford it, it's not an investment. It's a liability.
@izakmiles may several properties nang mamanahin from parents. I also helped financially sa new house nila in batangas. I would rather spend the rest of my money on traveling and seeing the world.
@izakmiles investing in real estate needs a little bit of financial freedom. condominium aquisition although it is considered a property is not considered as long term investment portfolio. land aqusition is the true real estate investment. when youre investing in real estate hindi ka nag eexpect ng roi from the appreciation of the land itself, dun ka sa building nagkwekwenta ng roi, because the land itself retains it value at the onset. sa mga millenials, the reason why may hesitation kase wala pang foothold ang source of income. kung ang mindset mo naman is you dont want because of difficulty of aquiring properties then wala ka sa business world. aquiring properties is a preparation of sort, just in case you need it for business divesification or expansion, readily available sya.
@izakmiles Parang give up na rin ako sa property. Okay na ako sa isang extra lot para sa mga anak ko. Daming binabayaran (Assoc dues & amilyar) tapos mahal pa construction at puro magulang contractor. Expect tax and assoc dues increase din.

Ill stick to what I do best which is trading
  1. same as others lack of funds (kahit 6 digits salary)
  2. hassle idispose pag mali ka (unlike equities pag mali cutloss agad).
  3. did the math, tagal roi. same same lng din naman sa ibang investment vehicle.
@izakmiles (This is longer.than normal but it reflects how I see it)

Because Bitcoin exists.

I've learned that property has become a way to store value over time (as seen by how we increasingly use the word "invest" along with it).

Since fiat money has been increasingly debased (inflated in quantity), people have been mostly unconsciously looking for other things to store and hopefully grow their wealth. We've all been looking for something other than our money as a savings vehicle because we're being robbed from when we save in Pesos or Dollars.

Property has become a savings account all over the world. Not just a home to live in. This is why millennials and younger generations feel out-priced, and that they may never get a house.

But since Bitcoin is 100% pure money, it is better than property as a savings mechanism.

It's liquid, can be memorized, taken to another country. It is the best performing asset of the last 15 years, since it is a nascent money and others discover what it is. I use it to buy groceries, clothes, and computers. I use it to send to people in other countries that use different banking systems or no functional banking system.

You can't do that with property. You can't even do some of that with fiat money.
@izakmiles super hassle talaga coz there's a lot of paperwork required and I have trust issues with other people who are just trying to sell to me. So I learned the trade myself. Anyway, the reason I am investing right now is not for myself but for the next generation.

I started from scratch so i'm laying down a good foundation for them so they could do the same to their next of kin. When investing in Real Estate, its a long term game.. delayed gratification.
@izakmiles Prior to establishing a company with an annual revenue exceeding P300 million, real estate investment was beyond my financial reach. As echoed by others, prudent allocation of funds into liquid assets like equities or high-yield business ventures is advisable. Real estate, being a long-term investment, typically necessitates patience, often spanning years, if not decades, to realize substantial returns. At 35 years of age, my investment strategy has shifted towards commercial retail real estate over residential properties. With my current financial success, I am adopting an investment approach akin to the top 1%, prioritizing the creation of generational wealth for my family.
@izakmiles It's not always an investment. I been wanting and planning to buy the past years but not in a financial position to do so. Also taking on a mortgage there is the stress of repayments, interest rates and by the time paid it off with a 20 year or so loan it would have cost double.

I do plan to buy in the next few years but one I can afford outright with little or no loan on top.

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