Surprise Medical Bills


New member
Hi r/HealthInsurance! My name is Alex and I’m a healthcare campaign associate with the Public Interest Research Group (PIRG). We’re a non-partisan consumer-protection nonprofit that helped win protections against most surprise bills with the passage of the federal No Surprises Act..

I’ve read a lot of the posts about surprise medical bills here, and hearing stories from real people has been so impactful in helping me to understand just how devastating surprise medical bills can be. To those of you who’ve received them, I’m truly sorry.

PIRG is running a campaign to make sure patients know their rights when the law goes into effect in January. We need patient stories like yours to keep the media and state decision makers aware of the human costs of this issue.

Will you take three minutes and fill out this form about your experience? Click here. If we want to use your story in our campaign, we’ll double check with you and only use information that you’re comfortable sharing. If you have questions, feel free to email me: []( If you want to learn more about our campaign or the work we do, Thanks for considering this request.

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