Surprise! In the last 25 years, bonds have given better returns than equity

@russellmanofgod Now start from a different point. And another. And another until you have run out of points. Now what do you find?

That's what he is pointing out. At this is a single data point highlighted to sell a story. The average reality tells a whole different story.

Edit: I wish people would stop down voting you.

He's asking a genuine question. It's okay for someone to be wrong. Many people would simply stop asking questions if downvoted - that helps nobody :)
@rooted TBH COVID is not a Black Swan event. At least according to the guy who defined what a Black swan event is:

"the proper metaphor for the crisis is a “gray rhino,” which refers to highly probable but neglected threats that have an enormous impact. It was coined by Michele Wucker, a policy analyst who came up with the term after the 2012 Greek financial crisis."

@gloriouswonders Nassim Taleb is arrogant and a lot of his arguments and conditionals stem from arrogance. No doubt he's brilliant.

But I think in this case that retrospective predictability would not have accurately ascertained the severity of the pandemic, hence, I believe it is a black swan.
@mitosblog Well, this is a hypothetical scenario of noob retail investors who would sell in a market crash or someone who was forced to sell in the crash. Otherwise this is moot.
@rooted I may not be an expert in reading graphs.

But the graph put up by the person on Twitter shows - even in DECEMBER 2019 the returns are HIGHER in BONDS for the last many years. Same goes for Dec 18.
@russellmanofgod It's a weird comparison to make, technically it's correct but markets are always cyclic.

We will always run into lows once in a while which makes way for such math. But the conclusion definitely shouldn't be that one should not invest in Equity.

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