Sun Life wants death cert with cause of death and raised cert.


New member
My father recently died in BC, in which he settled in 2021. From 1966 to 2021 he lived in California. His life insurance policy was issued in California. That insurer, (Sun Life ironically) says the death cert must list cause of death and have a raised seal. The standard Vital Stats cert does not listed cause of death. The Medical Certificate of Death is filled out by hand by the doctor. I don't think it has a raised seal but I'll find out tomorrow.

If Sun Life insists on a death cert with cause of death and raised seal, how do I get them what they want?

I will also post this in canadalaw

@theophilus2019 If it exists, you do what you have to to get it. If you don't, you go through great lengths and frustration explaining that and escalate as needed.

Insurance companies are notoriously bad at handling changes in the area they operate or handling non-standard situations. So, if you are forced to claim with the American arm of Sunlife then it could be a pain. If it's the Canadian group asking for this, then I suspect it's something you can get.

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