Successfully negotiated a $50 rental decrease today - thought I’d share my method

@liltoancau Congrats on the reduction! Also, thank you for sharing the email template you used, we’ve been thinking of doing the same recently and having something to work off (especially one that was successful) is very helpful!
@john83 It’s a chrome extension. It captures prices moves up and down, listing date, etc. Pretty handy. I’ve had it for a few months and found it insightful. Not sure about back capturing but I’d recommend giving it a test run.
@queenjen We left one place after the landlord:
  • fixed a curtain rail poorly herself
  • tried to fix a plumbing issue herself and made it worse
  • final straw: refused to fix the gas in the screen door hinge.
She ended up having to drop the rent after we left. She listed it higher, failed to rent it out, and then dropped it below our rent a month later. Felt like a win, we’ve lived in the same block cityside since then and never looked back.
@queenjen Just saying there are some groups where that may not be so easy. It may not be just a lack of effort or intelligence

I have moved myself if there is a better place but I have known disabled people who found it very difficult to move
@liltoancau Is doing the math for the landlord really necessary? I figured this might come off as condescending and that stating the vacancy periods of other properties should be enough.

Currently in a CBD apartment and negotiated 920 down to 750. We ended up still declining and are now moving to a nicer equivalent apartment down the street for 650 (bit of luck here).

Also we didn't really get the ball rolling on the negotiations until we put in our notice of intention to vacate. I think that let the landlord know we were serious.
@liltoancau I just sent off an email along these lines and panicked thinking I’d missed some tips. After reading your email I can see we took the same tact so fingers crossed my owner says yes.

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