@jexsefandi Oh boy, that's not good, sorry to hear it. No I was not paid yet. But it was Friday night or Saturday morning that I saw it changed to paid so I doubt I'd see money on the card over the weekend. I'll cross my fingers for the both of us.
@balocharles Did you do idme or ducu sign and if so which one did you use? Did submitted id verification in Jan 17th?? Mine pending since dec 20th and did docusign on the 26th. Suppose ti be 7-10 days they say but me just like everyone is searching for answers
@a2zis The more time passes the more they screw up. Some of those departments only have a couple people manning them. That 5600 new additional employees to handle the demand is a complete bold lie
@jakes123321 WE ARE ALL PASSENGERS ON THIS TRAIN AND THEY HAVE SIDE TRACKED IT SO THEY CAN CHECK OUR CREDINIALS passports, idenification, papers please everyone take them out so SCHULTZ can examine them be ready or be prepaired to be detained.
@jakes123321 Mine has been on pending since September 2020. I’ve called 3 times in the past 5 months to see what is going on. Each time they state it needs to be reviewed by a manager and they can’t transfer me to any department with any further information. It will come when it comes they say. So yea 5 months and $0 and still pending.
@jakes123321 Same!!! I tried calling and calling and no luck! My husband on the other hand DID get paid. I don’t understand why EDD has so many people on “pending”. I’ve never had this problem. It’s so not right. Please update if someone has any answers on WHY this is happening! So cruel. Bills and rent are due!
@luminous_scribe There's a lot of online petitions going around to get various heads of UC departments fired. I think the biggest one is in OH. They need to start fearing for the their jobs! They are civil servants which means they work for the taxpayers!

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