Stuck in AMEX popup jail. Wait it out or apply for cards w/o a SUB?


New member
Currently Active duty w/ 3 plats and a gold. I’be been in popup jail for several months and have been putting spend on all my cards.
Contemplating moving forward and picking up cards w/o a SUB. How long would you all give it in popup jail before doing so?
@holywalk I picked up a Van Plat Feb 2020, Gold Oct 2020, Schwab Plat April 2021, upgraded Gold March 2022 to Plat then immediately opened another Gold. Started trying for Hilton Aspire and Delta Reserve in August 2022
@rickylovesjesus Sometimes you can get past popup jail with some targeted offers or applying through Hilton, delta, Marriott or whoever else’s cobranded card website link. Probably will have to cool it on non co branded cards for a while.
@rickylovesjesus I've 2 business platinum, 1 personal platinum, 1 hilton aspire and I'm in pop up jail. My wife has way more amex cards than me and just got out of jail. As soon as she did, she applied for 2 more. Gold personal and the new marriott card lol. Amex got stricter recently. A lot of people got in pop up jail. But dont apply for anything without SUB, you're missing out on great bonus that's worth a lot of money. If you can, maintain some type of spending on amex cards that you have but still sign up for other great cards from other banks that waive AF.

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