strange situation with many questions

@pawon06 "Did you consider using your savings or reducing your standard of life before taking on another job? Taking on extra hours will definitely impact your life?"

Yes, I have a emergency fund of arround 10K and she did plan ahead and got hers to arround 13 k.

Im more or less okay to get a second job atm, since im still jung and we are planing to get one or two children after she finishes her study. Since i plan to work a bit less at this point i try to save every peny right now, since i know i wont be able to do so.

I also have to mention we wud come by with my current income alone, but i dount wana save less a month if possible. (combined we need arround 4800 CHF a month or so).
@beenjammin3 You write above you expect her to make way money than you once she finishes her studies and will in some way repay the favor to you, but here you state you want to have kids when she’s finished with her studies which likely means she won’t work or at least only work part time for years.
So how is that gonna work out then?
BTW, when I started a part time job besides my 100% employment job I was told you can’t work more than 110% in total on average with your main and side job (I believe it’s calculated per year, so if you work 120 % in January but only 100% in Feb and so on it equals out). BUT this only applies to employees - if you are self-employed there is no such limitation
@beenjammin3 ah, the classic

I hope you won't get burned on that one. not unusual for women to finish a study, turn 30, and then dump whoever they were with. happened to me and happened to others.

good luck, bruv
how much extra income, can I bring in on a monthly basis until I get hit with bigger taxes and higher tax brackets.

practically, even a few hundred francs more in a year will increase your tax, but only on those extra francs (that's how progressive tax rates work). Here are the marginal tax rates for canton fribourg. As you can see, the marginal rate changes every 50 chf/month. All cantons have a similar approach.
@sue782 Damn, it really hurts you financially to not live with a partner. Having to pay two flats in two cities means we save less than half of that. Good on you for saving this much!
@jwmealy We have an expensive apt thpugh, we pay 2k while it's totally possible to find something for 1.5k. I think it's mainly because of active budgeting.
@sue782 How many rooms is the apartment then though? Because 1.500 hardly gets you a 1-room appartment/ studio in Zurich anymore, for central areas these are actually now rather around 2000 CHF. So definitely not a 2.5 or 3.5 room
flat for that money- and I would consider a studio too small for 2 working adults
@beenjammin3 You should analyze your budget and see where you can spend less. You still have a good income for 2 persons, do you live together ? If yes I am wondering how you spend all this money.
Don't overwork, it is not worth it, you should live quite well with your combined salary.
@beenjammin3 How much are you guys paying in rent? Because apart from extremely high rent I don‘t see any reason why you wouldn‘t be able to live on ~120k a year in combined net income.

Because of how marginal tax rates work, extra income will always lead to higher income post tax. You can use an online calculator to find out how high your tax bill is going to be approximately.

However, I don‘t think working an extra job next to your full time job is really worth it when you‘re earning that much. Maybe look at your expenses together and see if there‘s anything you can cut back on that you two maybe hadn‘t considered before. If you already have a high savings rate, maybe cut back on that a little until your gf is making more money again.

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