Stocks and Shares ISA or Guaranteed 8% YoY?

@jewelz613 Family member hell no . Goes missing massive argument. Stocks and shares sounds like your best bet but check the guarantee for loopholes in case stocks or shares take a nosedive. Unlikely i know .
@jewelz613 There is no such thing as a guaranteed 8% return IMO. Either the person is lying to you, there is a catch or they themselves aren't correctly informed.
@jewelz613 5 years for house purchase is a very typical horizon and I would suspect that you opt for a cash LISA with Β£4k now and Β£4k in the new tax year. With the remaining 17k max out in a ISA so it gets the wrapper with the remaining Β£16k now and keep the Β£1k for fun.
@jewelz613 That 8% is nowhere near enough of a return on the level of risk you'd be taking by trusting a family member with your money.

If they're telling you they have some super secret special crypto that's about to moon, it's either a scam or they're smoking the same shit they're selling and will be as much of a victim as you will be.

If they're raising money for a business, ask yourself why they need the money, why they can't get it from a conventional lender.

Also, just for shits and giggles, look up ponzi schemes... they tend to start with guaranteed returns.

Ask yourself how your relationship will change when this family member doesn't return your money and tells you that the market took a turn or some other story that results in your money going up in smoke.

Just stick it in an isa or if it's for a house as you say, a LISA. According to moneybox, including the bonus, I've had a 33% return on my deposits in my LISA since last year. If you're quick about it, you can get 2 tax years worth of deposits into ISA/LISA but you've only got about a week to do that. You could put all of the inheritance into tax free savings near enough immediately.
@jewelz613 you’re a little naive when it comes to finances… so be careful what you do next. No one can guarantee you 8 %, & that’s not the only potential pitfall giving it to a family member… don’t do this under any circumstances
The second is I put 20k of it in a Vanguard FTSE Global S&S ISA. The rest remains with 8% YoY.

I recommend you keep Β£20k and give Β£5k to your family member.

In 12 months time you will be down Β£5k but you will understand what everyone in this thread is saying.

The way you utter the phrase "year on year" just makes it sound like the longer you're patient the harder it will be to get the money back. "Like ...nah bro... let me keep it for another year. 8% on your 8%..."
@jewelz613 Did your family member use the word β€˜kindly’ a lot when asking for the money?
And do they want you to send it to them in Amazon gift cards?

Your family member is either scamming you or in the process of being scammed themselves, you should probably check on that for them.
The first is I leave it with a family member who will guarantee an 8% YoY return until I need the money.

Why are they doing this exactly?

In what scenario is this "good" for them and you?

If they're borrowing and paying you interest, there are far cheaper options available to them.

If they're investing your money in the hopes they can "beat" the 8% they are gambling with your money.
@jewelz613 If someone guarenteed me. 8%. I'd bite their hand off. I think bernie maddof promised 10%, his clients didn't get anything back.

8% is basically the magic number we all look for in regards to long term growth. It's impossible to gusrentee.

Unkess your family member is extremely rich and trying to teach you compounding, I'd run a mile as it's the modern markets oldest scam

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