State Farm Fined $4 Million by Montana Insurance Commissioner related to Private Passenger Auto Claims.

@blmartinez Is this the company that put 20% to the car that was rear ended and pushed the car in front of it because SF argues that the car in the middle stopped to close to the front car 😂😂?
@blmartinez They got fined an amount they probably make in 20 minutes. This won't make them change anything. This is Montana going "look! We're doing something!"

They'll probably negotiate it down, too.
@blmartinez their actions would bother me more if it wasn't for the fact that whenever I have to send one of my files to arb because of their decision, they lose every single time. I even had one where I was only asking for 10% on their driver and the arb panelist came back and gave me 25%. I know that panelists are supposed to be unbiased, but I wouldn't be surprised if the person who made that decision had an axe to grind.

My guess too is that they were probably going out of their way to find comp neg in State Farm vs. State Farm claims to boost their own metrics and/or limit recovery potential for injured drivers in those situations.

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