State Farm Fined $4 Million by Montana Insurance Commissioner related to Private Passenger Auto Claims.

@mrs41intx Yep them and USAA are terrible. In my experience USAA was actually worse. Had a friend work there and their goal was to never accept 100% until arb made them.

Just annoying as hell.
@resjudicata USAA and State farm both are pretty famous for not even trying to file claims for subro. I've had my drivers file because they have a bill from State Farm or USAA in collections, and now they're asking for our help. Lots of times, the State Farm drivers were cited by the police but they were put not at fault anyway. Its maddening.
@mrs41intx I did subrogation for a while and state farm BY FAR was the most unreasonable carrier to negotiate with. Most of the time they just copy/pasted responses into eSubroHub and clearly either didn't read my points or just disregarded them intentionally. Completely unethical and absolutely infuriating. I would never do business with them just based on my experience trying to get a claim paid through them that they absolutely owed for. I sent probably 20x the average to arbitration for SF versus other carriers. We had special rules just for them as far as being able to settle for less because we knew it'd cost more to go to arbitration and they knew that. So slimy.
@rachel121 Eh, they're great to their customers. It's everyone else it sucks for. Well, and it sucks for everyone if you're trying to get a hold of claims. 20 minute wait times even if you can the minute they start accepting calls...
@refei They may very well be great to their customers, but I'll never find that out first hand. I refuse to do business with them based on how unethically they run their business, not because it was difficult dealing with them. It's on principle. Plenty of other options out there.
@refei That's fair, but I worked with practically every carrier out there in a B2B capacity when I was doing subrogation and SF was far, far worse. Like miles and miles worse. Not even close. Just blatantly, unapologetically unethical.
@lydia197200 Pretty clear that the implication is that it doesn't matter what insurance company you're dealing with if ethics is your main concern... They're all shady. American corporations in general are ethical minefields.
@refei Yeah State Farm paid out a soft fraud claim against me. They were great, they said it was BS but called it a business decision to reduce my personal liability.
@refei Not always, I had to move my claim forward and manage the process. I had to cite policy language to my adjuster to get what I was owed.
Thankfully, I worked claims at one point and knew how to get things moved forward.
@mrs41intx Agree. Agree. Agree. This is par for the course for them.

Deny liability or assign liability in obvious scenarios and refuse to budge an inch. They do it for a couple of years then get slapped by a DOI, stop doing it for several months and start up again.
@blmartinez Your car could be safely parked in your garage and a State Farm driver could plow into your home and hit it and State Farm would still find you 10% at fault
@tylerr Allstate is the same way. Consistently try to put any liability they can on the other party when they know they are 100% liable. Watched them try to pin 25% on my friend until he decided to go through his own carrier and Progressive started the subro process. As soon as they did that they took responsibility. He was stopped when their insured plowed into the back of him. Allstate is on my do not buy list they truly don’t pay what they owe.

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