State Farm Agency should I stay

@resjudicata I think the significance and negativity the date portrays maybe was for shadowing a negative experience. I don’t really believe in that type of thing it I just kind of thought it was ironic.
@rsdar The Agent owns the office and is responsible for setting the expectations of their staff. You are not a State Farm employee, your and employee of John Doe Insurance Agency. That’s why the first two pages of the never ending modules you completed in Workday were disclosures stating that the following mod is a suggestion and not an attempt by State Farm to run the agent’s business.

I don’t know if this still exists, but there used to be a link in ABS that would allow you to search for openings with other agencies in your selected area. However, you have to have your current agent’s permission to transfer. Make sure you either talk with your agent first or you know EXACTLY who he’s friendly with in your market area. He can deny your transfer and either make your life a living hell, or just show you the door.

I have worked for captive agents and independent agents and the grass isn’t any greener on the other side. As a matter of fact, it’s not even grass, it’s a dirt lot filled with refuse.
@rsdar WOE!! thats terrible. The life insurance is saturated with agents which not care, but care for the commissions. I dont how consciencally how they able to do it, Lie under the breath about IUL, universal whole insurance with a cash value component, (NOT INVESTMENT) All this anti-primerica because our hierchary structure, and recruiting, which no way would we treat out new teammates in the way. HOWEVER i do agree with you though, its always the agents who gives the INSURANCE industry a bad name. provided detail on what really happen in most insurance company, maybe a hourly wage, but stiffed on commissions, poor leadership. I received 50% of commissions AND do right to every one I do business with.
@soldier_of_god I don't know dude, I review many policies denied. read you contract, illustration page states the limitation and exclusions. the question is do you think $19.00 dollars monthly premium is going to pay out 500,000 benefits, if you pass away. well not you but someone. all I'm saying it doesn't matter what insurance company you go with , good idea to have someone you trust review it. its sad when families get denied. and truthfully as long one is covered.
@wisprof Term doesn't pay not because of a loophole, term doesn't pay out because it becomes prohibitively expensive during the years you are most likely to die, so they cancel or can't afford to renew. They are then left with no insurance coverage at time of death. Term is like tire insurance for the first 100 miles of a tire's life.
@soldier_of_god Im trying to compare the differences between term, level. premiums. Terms are not to increase for 35 years but its states it will at age 73, and thats when clients freak out. its doesnt make sense. so then they want whole life up to 99 years , the same will occur.

thats exaclty why investment the differences is genius. but i dont want to talk about it.

All these agents guarantee, cash loans, living benefits and certian amount to who to leave behind. HAVE TOO READ THE POLICY.

woman group insurance through school district, want it because it was afforable, okay but reading it, if she passes the school is going to donate 10k to foundation of thier choice. if she depending on her life insurance through work, its not enough and second your not the policy owner. good idea to have a policy. I help many individuals, no obligations its knowing someone to trust.
@soldier_of_god if you say so.. your Mr MLM hater but then you know it all. I diskes MLM too but trying something new ,doesnt make everyone a pryrmind scammers or MLM pryminds recuiter junkie. I dont care what people think, i haven't lost any family or friends, I still work a job, for now its additional income and its 100 percent helping with bills, groceries, gas , vacations, and emergencies funds. I see and feel a differnces in what i do, and those who benefits.
@soldier_of_god I'm always a dependent thinker. I know who Iam . A strong minded , smart humanitarian, quick & witty, blunt, truthful straight forward, untraditional, natural leader, cut throat, wicked tongue but today ill be nice.
$19.00 dollars monthly premium

So that would be $225 yearly premium, and most Primericans are at a 25% commission level, so that would be $57 total commission, or about 2 months payment for POL. And you mentioned something about financial freedom? lol

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