Something you do ‘right’ that’s ’wrong’?


New member
What’s something financially you know you do right (for you) that this sub would disagree with and say you’re making a bad financial mistake?
@jesussaves7763 I've favored relatively lower paying jobs with less positive career prospects because of a more enjoyable lifestyle including things like working from home, enjoy my work most days, flexible schedule, not major time commitment, and team that respects each other.
@kretyen001 I did similar. Left a sales job with decent commission in a tax free place for a desk job in the Nordics. No stress, minimal expenses, peace and quiet, and a much better team. Even with the high taxes I'm still able to save close to 40% of my salary because my expenses are much lower.
@jesussaves7763 When I bought my home, I had like $25 left over in my checking account, and no savings at all. I also used an old 401(k) account that had been sitting without growing for like 10 years (around $6k or so). It was a risk. But my logic was “if I can stabilize my housing payment, THEN I can really start saving once I get a raise.” And it did work out for me.

The first year I struggled, but after that I got a $12k raise and then shortly after that I got another $10k raise. Now my mortgage is a whole lot less than rents in the area and it’s so much easier for me to contribute to savings and retirement.
@lll This is how it was for me. I had so little money I had to schedule closing for the day before I got paid so I would have enough money to move. I had to very carefully orchestrate my move-out and move-in dates so I didn't have to pay another month in rent (I couldn't actually).
@jesussaves7763 I sold half my non-IRA/401K investments and used the money as a down payment for a beach house. I don't care if it's not the best use of that money. I want a beach house.
I give my 16yr old what he would make per month at a part time job so he can afford to have a life and continue to put forth 110% effort into school.
@jesussaves7763 I was lucky enough to have my parents support me. I was able to earn several scholarships and have no student debt.

What you are doing is helping your child provide the best probability of entering a competitive college or university. I don’t see an issue with this decision.
@jesussaves7763 You're a very good parent. I know people who could easily afford to do that but think that suffering and struggling is essential to life and will teach good lessons. Life can really suck sometimes but why not give people the opportunity for a better life?

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