Something you do ‘right’ that’s ’wrong’?

@jesussaves7763 I lease my car. I love having a new car, love that maintenance is included, love that I never have to worry about breakdowns or surprise costs. Yes I have a monthly payment but it’s pretty low and I just looooove driving a new car.
@jesussaves7763 Didn't save any money for our kid's college when they were young and had more kids instead.

Never grew up with the concept of having to have X amount of money before having / adding a child nor with the concept of saving for a kid's college education.

Had six children in total. Spent way too much on FC charges over the years because of carrying debt. And we won't talk about the costs of orthodonics and glasses and everything else kid associated. Our kids had everything they needed and some of what they wanted - always. But between the ongoing costs, having one of us as a SAHP, and trying to keep up with the debt load - we never saved for college.

All six kids have gone to college - and all six have lived on campus, four went to private colleges, two have / are getting advanced degrees. The four who have graduated are all self-supporting and live on their own.

Each kid applied to at least 6 different schools they liked that had their intended major - both public and private. We went with the one with the best aid package / least oop cost. Kids work part-time on campus during school year for their spending money and to cover their phones. Kids work summers to come up with their share of tuition (roughly half - $5k - $7k) and we cover the other half. Remainder of cost paid by federal student loans, scholarships and grants. Half of the ones who've graduated have already paid off their loans.

They are all happy and thriving.

We are now debt free except for mortgage (will be paid off in 3yrs) and one vehicle (will be paid off in 2yrs - would have already been paid off except financed at 0.9%) We have enough in our emergency fund could pay both off immediate if we chose. We are happy and thriving as well.

"Everyone" seems to preach not to have kids till you can "afford" them, definitely don't have six of them on less than $60k in salary, and don't do private college - well it all went right for us!

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