
New member
I've only seen very few posts regarding solar and its viability as an investment. So here I am to show some actual numbers from our 1st month on solar.

Do note that my solar installation was a semi-DIY venture to cut down costs. I bought solar from a wholesaler, an inverter from Lazada and had them recommend me a guy who does freelance solar installations. I did all the research on the brands, ratings and reviews for each component so that took some time but it was fun and educational.

- By the numbers

Total investment: 226,541.00 (breakdown below)

Total Capacity: 7.5kWp

November data:
  • Average Daily Generation: 17.5kWP
  • November total generation: 514 kWh @ 9.09Php/kWh = 4,672Php
  • Projected ROI: 4 Years
Picture for proof from solar monitor:
Our monthly electric bill averages at around 15k / month so it went down approximately by 30%

- Things to consider

We do not have net-metering installed yet (tinatamad pa eh) but plan to do so in the future and I estimate this would further up the savings by another 2~2.5k php / month. This is estimated from:

{(total capacity * 5 hours) - total solar consumption)} * 5.0 Php / kWh * daylight inefficiencies

Where 5.0 Php/kWh is the rate at which Meralco will buy power from you.

If you want to see our daily power generation on an hourly basis:

4 years ROI is about 25% return year on year. Beats any mutual fund, most bluechip stocks and is a pretty low risk investment. You can also get your installation insured for about 3,000Php / year. All in all 100% would suggest.

I'll update these numbers monthly if people are interested.

  • Solar Panels: 114,800
  • Inverter: 42,120
  • Installation Materials: 29,721
  • Labor (Installation + Electrician): 39,900
@debbie112 I also posted here before asking whether solar panels are a good investment. The answer was overwhelmingly yes.

We had them installed less than a month ago so I don’t have a full month’s worth of data yet but basing on the past 2 weeks we’re expecting at least a 2.5K monthly savings on our 3.27kwp panels. Monthly bill is 8K so that’s at least a 30% decrease. We’re not maximizing the panels as we consume much lower than the max. Net metering is still in process, i’m expecting our bill to decrease further. ROI is around 4 to 5 years.
@debbie112 Net metering was included in the package with the solar installation company. They said it’ll take at least 3 months to process. I’ll comment back once we test the difference.
@gbecca87 Kasama na siya sa package nung kumuha kami. Walang option na hindi kasama yung net metering process kaya di ko alam how much siya pag separate. Di pa tapos though. Nakakuha na kami ng approval galing meralco so LGU nalang and mismong pagkabit. Baka mga 2 weeks pa daw.

So far, babayaran nalang is yung difference in meter cost mga 2K plus may isa pa ata na mga 1K. So mga 3K+ on top of yung package namin.
@debbie112 Ah. Sadly that wouldn't be the case if you're in a dusty area. Dust kills Photovoltaics and reduces their output quite significantly.

I think if you're in a subdivision or in a rural area, the ROI would be viable enough to undertake -- not so much if you're an inner city resident in a high-traffic area.
@pelargir Plus if you are in the city, kalaban mo pa ang mga akyat bahay at kawatan. Iyong sa installation ng QC gov't ng solar powered lights sa food bridge samin, ginawang target practice ng mga bata iyong panels + pinagnanakaw iyong mga wire para ibenta. Ito ang main apprehension ko sa pag-install ng solar samin since nasa tabi kami ng highway.
@pelargir Curious din ako sa upkeep eh, up to ilang years ba viability ng isang panel bago magkaroon ng reason na palitan? Would it be viable na linisin once a month just to be sure na clean ang panels (dust is inevitable everywhere)
@timmccollum Make sure hindi nagkakaroon shading issue ang panels or nahaharangan sya like dusts or mga dahon dahon kung meron man. So yeah, ideal linisin from time to time if kaya naman gawin.
@debbie112 Thank you for this post, very informative. I have a couple of questions:

You can also get your installation insured for about 3,000Php / year.

Is this "insurance" through Solarif?

Also, is your solar inverter grid-tie only, and not hybrid?

Finally, can you share your findings with when you said "I did all the research on the brands, ratings and reviews for each component so that took some time but it was fun and educational."?

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