
New member
Within the last month i lost my place to live, sleeping on a friends living room, unexpected tow expense because i parked by the curb too long and not in the drive way, and now my brakes are grinding and i can't even get brakes and rotors until next week because i dont get paid until then and i have to get to work for the next 6 days somehow. Public transport isnt an option. Neither is walking. And everything is just piling up and this stupid little thing such as brakes is completely breaking me. Im so done with life in general. I get 3 steps ahead and get knocked back 10 and i ask for help and all i get is "well you need to get your lIfE tOgEtHeR"

So leaving my abusive ex husband, working 60 hours a week, and STRUGGLING but all you can do it tell me to do more?! And to top it off tomorow is my favorite holiday and i wont have my kids or any family or anything. These stupid brakes are just the icing on the crap cake
@monicajean3 keep moving forward it will get better!

was in the same boat last year and i just kept telling my self keep going it will slowly get better and i promise you it does. might suck now but youll look back at this in a couple months.
@monicajean3 If I were in your situation, I would drive the car, but stay well back of other motorists. They would ticket you if you get into an accident, and they find out about the brakes.

Do you know a friend who is a mechanic?

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