Smoking question

@noguru Honestly if I were doing this I would phrase it in a different way. Her telling to wait 2 weeks for a medical exam is kinda xtreme. Don't get my wrong I'm a sleezy do it my way type of agent. I make money. It is the way, but I'm also methodical about my practices to cover my traces extremely well.
@noguru Honestly if I were doing this I would phrase it in a different way. Her telling to wait 2 weeks for a medical exam is kinda xtreme. Don't get my wrong I'm a sleezy do it my way type of agent. I make money. It is the way, but I'm also methodical about my practices to cover my traces extremely well.
@noguru Don't report her, but tell her Don't ever do that. It doesn't benefit her anyway other than getting better rating. Instead, if you prefer rating, you get standard rating. Lower your cost of insurance that all. Second you still have do medical so no matter what you can't hide you smoke
@bethellens Fuck that... report her and save the rest of us from being labeled as snakes like she is.furthermore if you are in insurance sales and don't recommend reporting her then exit the business. If you can't do a job honestly your not good at what you do.
@noguru You can get your smoker rate and work on quitting smoking. If lowering your premium is really what you are after, then you can make it work. Get the coverage you need to protect your family. Given that your health hasn't changed in a year, reapply and see if you can qualify for non-smoker. Kudos for taking a step to protect those you love. Make it happen!

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