Sinkhole coverage


New member
Hillsborough County fl, were renting a house, floor cracked upwards this weekend, rental company is sending someone to examine tomorrow.

We heard horror stories where if a sinkhole is found they will condem the house and not allow us to retrieve our items, we have the basic renters insurance incase we damage the home, nothing of ours besides vehicles are insured. Can we increase our renters insurance (assurant) to cover our belongings if we think we may have a sink hole without it being fraud? We are loading up a uhaul now with what we can, leaving most large items, and if worst case we just drive it to a storeage unit.

I called assurant and they didn't know if sinkhole or foundation was covered, volcanos and riots are though. They put me on hold and hung up, the support line is now closed.

They only offered $30k policy, which would probably cover most items, we dont know our items value, we are taking pictures of everything.

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