
New member
Hi everyone, I've just came to Japan for 9 months and I am currently a permanent (正社員) of company A and I do some freelance stuffs (業務委託) for company B.

Company A take care of all my tax, I do not have to submit anything.

Company B just sent me a 源泉徴収税額 for the income I earned in 2022.

The question is, what could I do to avoid being found out by company A for freelance tax. Because in the next few months I have to pay residence tax and they're gonna see that my residence tax increase abnormally.

And about 確定申告, can someone give me the full process ? I'm quite new here so I'm confused about all the tax problem.
@hemsley You submit your own tax return and opt out of special collection. No guarantee this will 100 percent work, but generally does.
You will need your 源泉徴収票 from company A as well.

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