Should I start maximizing Roth IRA or save up for a house ?


New member
I graduated uni a year ago and started working just after. I’m 23m and would love to buy a house/townhouse in the next 2-3 years if possible. Maybe earlier if I get a good bonus this year. Would it be stupid to save as much as possible for this or should I start maxing Roth IRA

Currently I’m sitting at


Salary + bonus: $110,000 (could get an extra 10k-30k, this year but a little early to tell)
- putting about 40% of take home each month in my investment account

Emergency fund: $18,000 in hysa at 4.5%

Other investments: $20,000 split between S&P, Brk/B, IWY, Apple

Also got a graduation gift that is currently at $15,000 in an account w a financial planner. Majority invested in large caps

401k: $7,500. 10% with 6% employer match 100%

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