Should I quit my job to get the medication I need because my insurance through my employer is denying and delaying a med that my Medicaid approved?


New member
Hello, I’m 26F and I am livid right now.

About 8-9 months ago I was diagnosed with severe cervical stenosis when I was just looking for an official diagnosis for the disability I’ve had my whole life. I was told that I need surgery because I have a really bad kyphotic curve in my neck and some of my discs are degenerating and putting pressure on my spinal cord.
I was also told that my bone density is shut and I need to be on a medication to strength my bones before surgery that has been advised to have done within the next 5-8 months.

I was prescribed a medication called Tymlos initially 4 months ago to address my bone density and I am expected to be on this medication for AT LEAST 3 months before surgery, but ideally 6 months to a year is preferred.
I’ve already lost 4 months with constant calls to my primary insurance, Accredo pharmacy, Medicaid, OptumRx and my endocrinologist.

Tymlos was denied and a prescription for Forteo was submitted.
Forteo was approved by Medicaid but Accredo pharmacy substituted the drug for something called Teriparatide without reaching out to my provider.
A new prior authorization was submitted to primary insurance for Forteo with notice that Medicaid approved their P.A.
Of course my primary insurance denies again but Accredo still needs more information because my primary denied but supposedly “didn’t specify why” which I think is unlikely because I was emailed an explanation for the denial.

Anyway, I’m mad and everyday for the last 4 months has been the most stressful I’ve ever been in my entire life.

I’m contemplating quitting my job so that I can get the medication I need to prepare me for this surgery.
I’m weaker than I was when I started physical therapy and occupational therapy nearly 7 months ago.

I don’t feel like it should be this complicated to approve. I shouldn’t fee like I need to quit my job because Medicaid alone is better than having the primary insurance through my employer halt the process of me accessing care.
@2stupiddogs The Dr who prescribed the med does have an option to specifically order "brand name only". If insurance refuses payment,and there is a reason the generic in less effective than the brand name, then dr has to be the one to submit clinical documentation of why you need the brand name. It's very rarely covered, but some meds, for instance a few specific seizure meds, do sometimes get covered
@2stupiddogs The Dr or you needs to tell your primary insurance that you are on Medicaid so they will pay for brand, then the pharmacy needs to run the claim through as “DAW 9” to indicate that one of your insurances (Medicaid) will only cover brand. It’s a huge PITA but it’s what you gotta do
@chicaleah So it sounds like your insurance covers generic forteo, which was substituted for the brand name because there is a generic.

Pharmacies don’t need to “reach out” to dispense interchangeable generic products. And your insurance isn’t going to approve a brand name when there’s no reason you can’t get the generic.
@chicaleah Do not quit your job. How are you going to eat?
Can you give Accredo the denial that you received? Or be the squeaky wheel with your primary insurance? I know this is all one big PITA. Hang in there.
@chicaleah Medical coverages and pharmaceuticals/ costs change up constantly ... but decent jobs aren't always easy to come by. It's short-sighted to quit a job in exchange for 4 months of Medicaid drug coverage!! Also, if/ when you lose your insurance, you may end up losing access to your doctor or surgeon, or find that Medicaid won't cover your procedure at a facility you want. Think this through, don't do something you'll regret just because you're frustrated.

Look into prescription discount programs or apps like Good Rx. Some drug manufacturers themselves offer deep discounts on drugs to certain patients. Another obvious approach is to talk to your doctor and explain the trouble you're having. If this is medically necessary, maybe he can go to bat for you with your insurance company, get you some pharmaceutical samples, or look at your formulary list and find a similar drug to prescribe. You can also, as a last resort, look into something like opening a Care Credit charge account to stretch your drug costs out over a longer period.

It sucks that your insurance company is giving you a hard time, but that's how they operate to keep high profits rolling in. Keep this in mind when you're planning your surgery and recovery, too. Get all your ducks in a row, make sure all your required authorizations are in place, find out about what your recovery will involve ( assistive devices? PT?) and make sure you have a plan in place so there are no surprises. In the end, you want to be healthy and able to enjoy the years ahead of you so the crap you're going through now will pay off in the long run if you persist.
@ashe Not eligible as they're a Medicaid recipient. You can't use manufacturer cost-reduction cards if you're on any sort of government health policy.
@ashe It isn't.

I specialize in Medicare and Medicaid regulatory compliance - if you're enrolled on these programs, you may not use a prescription discount card. The commercial plan is mandated to do the crossover to the Medicaid plan for any denied RX fills.

They can't use prescription discount cards.
@chicaleah Hey. I’m a medical coder and a patient advocate. So, I apologize for not getting back to you sooner. I ended up having Urgent surgery yesterday. The forte substitution is correct unless you absolutely need brand.

As for TYMLOS, have you filed an appeal? You need to demonstrate why medically necessary and why the other medications are not suitable.

If for some reason you think they aren’t following the plan or doing something that they should be, you can complain to the employee benefits security administration and they can further advise you. Just so you know, this is a federally protective complaint so if you do experience anything related to your job or somehow treated differently after the complaint is made, you may have a case of coercive interference. Not only cause they go to jail for up to 10 years, but they could also be fined up to $100,000.

Some of the tips that I’ve heard are to request an expedited review because they use external people and they don’t want to have to pay for that.

I have some friends in St. Louis who do rheumatology and they deal with PA all the time so I will see if I can find some other tips.
@chicaleah This country is a mess.

People have to quit job to qualify for a health plan that covers their needs

Or people have to keep jobs they hate to have some sort of medical health insurance plan
@tristanh The poster is a mess.
She doesn't understand the drug approved is the generic.
She doesn't understand how health insurance works.
She has coverage for the generic drug she needs.
@andyron Not after how they screwed progressives in 2016

We wouldn't have been in this mess

But centrists and those leaning centre right would rather lose to the red right wing party than have progressives win

Both of them are corporate leaning parties, no support for labor, workers and real policies than help the middle class

They can't even fix the health system
@tristanh It should be free, across-the-board. And yes our healthcare system sucks. I’m living proof right now because of my back and I have insurance.

Because I said car accident no doctor would treat me Absolutely the truth, and I can barely walk now

Fuck the healthcare system and don’t pay co-pays
@etgibs Nothing is free? Every other country on earth has cheaper healthcare than us, every single one, and most don't require patients to jump through any of these hoops or pay large amounts out of pocket for receiving medical care.

Our system is a scam and deviant from the rest of the world. It isn't a simple fact of life or a byproduct of a properly functioning economy.

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