Should I manage my own 401(k)?

@animalinstinct I guess I don’t really have a goal defined. I’m not much of an equities investor but I just want to optimize this pot of money without having to spend much time thinking about it or actively managing it.
@neari Then keep the TDF. The US market has outperformed the Intl for the last 10-15 years, but there's no telling if it will continue. Intl market has outperformed the US at different time periods. TDF is the best "leave it alone" fund there is.
@neari More often than not target date funds get loaded with bonds you don't need. If that's the case just move all the funds to whatever they call their version of the S&P500 index fund.

Long story short the bonds are there to keep your portfolio from dipping too much, but they will also stop it form raising as much as it could. You got time, you should not care if your portfolio goes through a bear market here and there as long as you get to benefit from the recoveries.
@synch That’s my thinking. I don’t anticipate relying on this money as my main retirement source, but I also want it to be as highly optimized as possible without need for my intervention

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