Should I keep the life insurance policy for myself


New member
AITA??? Hello, I am 54f, married to 55m. We moved my father, now 92m, in with us 6 years ago. He had Alzheimer’s, and passed away 2 weeks ago. I quit my job 5 years ago because his condition was so overwhelming, I knew that in order for him to live his best life, I needed to focus on him. He died in our home.
I have been battling the following: my father has a very small, $4000 life insurance policy. I am the beneficiary. $1500 will more than carry his cremation. However, I have 2 siblings. They ARE an emotional support and they have sent money my way to help with my father. ( less than $100 in the 5 years).
Personally, I know that the remainder isn’t a lot to separate 3 ways after funeral expenses, but I thought it would surely be nice for me and my spouse to decompress, and go somewhere, since we’ve been locked at the house for 5 years. I do feel guilty for sounding like I’m being greedy. So, AITA?
@leemc1 I'm sorry about your loss, I couldn't imagine the position you're currently in
Life insurance is between the owner, beneficiary, and the company. You're the one who let your dad live with you, stopped working to better take care of him and I think it'd be safe to assume you're the one who will take care of his final expenses and such. If his wishes were to have your siblings get some of the money, he probably would have included them. Death is difficult and surviving family members often show their true colors. They forego the loved ones wishes for their own selfish wants and needs
Go on vacation, decompress and never mention it to your siblings, as it's none of their business
@leemc1 Yes. I took care of my mother with pancreatic cancer for 4 years. After her death my siblings made no effort to help with the final expenses. After everything was done I found a small insurance policy like you. I just cashed it in and never said anything. Not to be selfish, but the policy had me as the beneficiary. But I also didn't want to get any shit stirred up either.
@leemc1 If he named you, he wanted you. And it certainly sounds like you've earned it! There may be future surprise costs too with probate.

I'm sorry for your loss and please go enjoy that vacation.
@leemc1 I don’t work in the field, just a random stranger on this subreddit. That being said, keep it. The amount of time, energy, money (and loss of income you took by leaving your job) you have spent on your father for the past six years. You deserve to keep it.

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