Should I buy a flat in Bangalore with a salary of 3L p.m + investment advice

@robo23 No offence but i am hearing this more and more, women really want to own their own flat and car… i though flat owners just hated bachelors and its hard to find a flat but why family people want this
@robo23 I can pitch in with my experience of buying a home. I bought my first home as soon as I started working post MBA. The EMI was quite heavy (60k), compared to my starting salary of ~99k per month - house was about 1cr (father helped with the down payment). This was in 2016, when I was 26. Fast forward to today, I’ve almost closed the loan, EMI is only around 20% of my monthly salary. I have keep it running for tax benefits and parking my savings in the loan max gain account. Was it worth it, absolutely. I have a place I can call my home. Given the uncertainties in industries , especially once you cross your mid forties, I feel this has been a good decision. Then again, no right or wrong answer. It’s ultimately up to you and your priorities.

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