Should/how would one report an H&R block employee for incompetence?


New member
Today I went to file my taxes with a “tax expert” at H&R block. I don’t want to come across as ageist but the gentleman helping me was an octogenarian who did not seem to have a firm grasp of the relevant technology. At the end of the appointment he informed me I “almost broke even”. I was expecting a sizeable return so while shocked I said thank you and told him I’d email him the necessary documents (for T2200) so he could complete the filing. At home I used there own software and all the same information and filed them myself with an expected return of close to 5k. I then emailed him about this inconsistency and requested he not take any further action on my file and close it. I don’t want to see an 80+ yr old man lose his job but if this is how he’s filing taxes for everyone, a lot of potential people are missing out on a sizeable return. Should I report him?
@01amar Wait for a reply from the guy to see what he says. Perhaps he didn't have all of the information entered.

If you can't get a resolution with the tax preparer, certainly, you should speak with the manager of the H&R Block and voice your concerns about your experience.
@tammyo He just confirmed he would close the file. We used close-estimates to the figures needed from the outstanding documents so his cited return should at least be in a similar ball park to mine.
@ariesagro I’m fairly confident but definitely still going to wait until it’s assessed/approved before I would potentially report it to the manager of said branch
@01amar Years ago, I did my taxes through them and got a sizeable return. They gave me the cheque right away and off I went. A couple months later, I got a letter from the government saying my taxes were wrong and I owed them a bunch of money back. Well, I was a student at the time and devastated. I went back to H&R and forced them to refund me for the service they screwed up but that’s it.

The people working there are just normal people, not accountants or anything. It was a data entry error and it sucks but we all make mistakes. And, chances are they are all let go after tax season anyway right?
@01amar HR block has the most incompetent people I have ever met in any industry. I don’t fully understand how those people are still in business.

In terms what you should do. To be honest, there is not much point in reporting that person. There was no major harm done and it’s not like they would hire someone who would be much better.

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