
New member
Needing guidance, Im leaving to basic in 2 weeks and I don’t have a clue how these work. I’m first in my family so don’t have anyone to ask besides this group. Can anyone explain/suggest percentages?

From what i’ve read- 100% in C-Fund, 0% in MGBI. Could be bad advice for all I know so any input is appreciated.
@jcthecreation You going active duty? I assume that’s why it says AD in post?

SGLI. This is your life insurance. You can’t do anything with it.

MGIB. You want Post 9/11 GI Bill.

TSP. How old are you? Are you married, etc. If you are 18, single, with no obligations then absolutely 100% in the C fund. Don’t touch it, don’t even look at it. They may start you off in the G fund. As soon as you are able log into your TSP account and change it.

Does this answer your questions?

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