Seeking Financial Advice: 25-Year-Old Living with Parents, Just Started R&D Scholarship in Railway Company


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I'm a 25-year-old guy currently living with my parents in Spain. I recently landed a scholarship opportunity in the R&D department of a major railway company, which is a dream come true as I studied computer science. However, with this new chapter in my life, I'm realizing the importance of financial planning and independence.

Living at home has its perks in terms of saving on rent and utilities, but I want to make the most out of this opportunity to secure my financial future. I'm seeking advice on how to prioritize my finances and make smart decisions that will set me on the path to financial independence.

Here are some specific areas I'm looking for guidance on:

1. Budgeting: How should I allocate my income between savings, expenses, and investments?

2. Saving Goals: What should I prioritize saving for in the short term and long term?

3. Investing: As a beginner, what are some low-risk investment options I should consider?

4. Career Development: How can I leverage this scholarship opportunity to further my career and increase my earning potential in the future?

I'd greatly appreciate any advice or insights you can offer. Thank you in advance for your help!

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