Seeking Career Transition Advice: Moving from Brazil to Europe for FP&A Work


New member
Hello everyone!

I'm a Brazilian currently working in FP&A and contemplating a move to Germany or another European country that's less chilly than Germany. My English is proficient, but I'm unsure about how to secure a job in Europe. Does anyone have any insights on this?

A friend of mine who works in Estonia mentioned that I might be eligible for a "blue card" in some European countries because of the university I attended. He suggested that this could facilitate obtaining a work visa. However, I'm not entirely sure how to go about leveraging this opportunity or if there are other pathways to explore.

I'd appreciate any advice or experiences from those who have made similar career moves or have knowledge of the job market in Europe, particularly in the FP&A field. Additionally, if anyone has tips on navigating the visa and work permit process, I would be

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